Monday, September 8, 2008

Thats all Folks!

Thanks for tuning into the blog. Unless something really unexpected happens, there will be no more posts, pictures or videos. The current ones will remain for a short time (about a week).

Any more spectator reports (whether from me or others) will likely surface on the

Sailing Anarchy/AC Forum

accompanied with a bevvy of wild-ass discussion and speculation no doubt.

For more America's Cup Information, check out

The next information about this impressive boat (be it news, pictures, footage) will likely come from BMW/Oracle Racing themselves. Check out these sites

BMW/Oracle Racing
Golden Gate Yacht Club

I expect whatever they release will be more impressive than anything here.

Other Reports on this event

Skagit Valley Herald Newspaper

Thank you for participating in this experiment of live "Internet citizen journalism".

Now, lets all get back to our lives.

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